Wednesday 13 July 2011

Soybeans for Health Benefits

Soybean meal is certainly not a stranger to you. But, if you've put it in your diet list? If not, there is a good start to consume them. Soy is a complete food source. Soybeans contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals like calcium, folic acid, potassium and iron. In addition, they contain soy protein consisting of all essential amino acids that is necessary for health.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the benefits of soy in lowering cholesterol levels in 1999. FDA issued a health claim that 25 grams of soy per day can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Another recent study, also showed that soy reduces the risk of prostate cancer function, colon cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis and other bone problems. In addition, soybean is also effectiverelieve symptoms of heat (hot flashes) due to menopause.
If you still feel less reason to consume soy, here are some benefits of soy for health:
1. Soy is an excellent food for diabetics.
2. Soybeans are very easily digested and is one of the foods most nutritious body builder in the world.
3. This food is very good for supporting growth and development of children.
4. Have high levels of soy lecithin that is useful to overcome mental fatigue and resist the accumulation of cholesterol.
5. Lecithin has been claimed to be effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels through the process of fat emulsion. Because it is very useful in the fight hardening of the arteries as well as complications from heart disease, brain, kidneys and eyescould arise.
6. Lecithin is a brain food, tonic and energy sources.
7. The results have shown that diabetic patients experienced rapid progress after treated with lecithin.
8. Lecithin is also reported to be effective in dealing with psoriasis.
9. If consumed in sufficient quantities, lecithin helps prevent kidney stone formation.
10. Lecithin liquid also serves to heal wounds and red spots on the skin. In addition, lechitin also proven effective in preventing pellagra, a disease characterized by stomach and intestinal disorders, skin problems and symptoms of neurological disorders such as melancholia.
11. Soybeans are rich in linoleic and linolenic acids (unsaturated fats). Therefore, the food is very good for maintaining healthy skin and address the various cases of eczema.
12. Effective pure soybean oil used for skin problems because it contains natural lecithin. Soybeans contain 20 times more alkaline than milk.
13. Lecithin works to increase the content of gamma globulin in the blood. Gamma globulin is working to boost immunity against infectious diseases.

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