Tuesday 12 July 2011

6 Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Wrinkles. Many of us dread the arrival of those lines, crinkles, and creases, but we know they'll etch their way into our faces sooner or later. You can't avoid aging, obviously, but it turns out that you don't have to end up with a prunelike complexion. If you follow some commonsense home remedies, you can prevent some wrinkling and continue to put your best face forward.
First, it's important to understand how skin ages and why we end up with wrinkles. One cause of skin aging occurs as the skin begins to wear out. By the time a person reaches 70 or 80, the skin and bones (including the skull) begin to thin and the layer of fat underneath the skin shrinks.
Another factor that comes into play over the years, causing skin to sag, is gravity. The corners of the mouth turn down, and the upper lip may disappear altogether. Eyelids droop, the tip of the nose dips, and jowls forms. Even your ears will begin to hang a little lower.
Sleep lines can add to your facial etchings, too, as can the facial expressions you've worn through the years. The muscles that make you laugh, cry, wink, and pucker your lips pull on the skin, which can leave permanent creases over time.
Still, these mostly unavoidable physiological changes actually play a very small role in the development of wrinkles. Unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays is by far the biggest culprit. That so-called healthy glow you get from a tan is anything but healthy for your skin.
So while you can't prevent certain body changes, you can protect your skin from the greatest culprit in wrinkle formation and help lessen the impact of some of the contributing factors. Read the following home remedies to find out how.

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