Wednesday 13 July 2011


Carrots should be considered a goldmine of natural vitamins and nutrients. Among other raw vegetable juices, carrot juice is an absolute leader in the context of the variety of its therapeutic effects, the contents of useful elements and its compatibility with other juices or foods. Nutritional and therapeutic values of carrot juice were discovered by the health practitioners of early European civilizations. Carrots originate from the Mediterranean region, where this vegetable was used by the Ancient Greeks since the 20th century B.C. They loved drinking carrot juice for its excellent cleansing effects and, in addition, it was considered a good remedy for constipation and physical exhaustion.
As we all know, no other vegetable contains as much beta-carotene as carrots. In our body, beta-carotene is  converted into Vitamin A, which assists in improving our eyesight and the functioning of our immune system, strengthening our bones and teeth, preventing possible problems with the functioning of the thyroid glad. Vitamin A also has positive effects on our hair, nails and skin. Besides, this Vitamin is associated with good cleansing effects: it can clean our liver from fat and other unnecessary elements. However, for receiving maximum results for the liver, it is necessary to drink carrot juice on a regular basis.
Raw Carrots
The list of useful microelements and nutrients which are contained in carrots is really very impressive. Along with the mentioned beta-carotene, it includes also Vitamins C, B, E, D and K, proteins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, sodium, manganese, iron, copper and a lot of other minerals. Carrots contain great amounts of nicotine acid, which is important for metabolism of fats and lipids. The vegetable is a great source of natural magnesium, which assists in decreasing bad cholesterol levels in the body, helps to relieve spasms and strengthen our blood vessels.
Carrot juice has very good anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous and anti-aging properties. Carotene is a known anti-oxidant, which can prevent degenerative processes in the cells and has great anti-aging effects. The compounds containing in carrot juice also have antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. That is why it can be effective to treat wounds and insect bites with some carrot juice, which in such case will also bring some slight relief for pain and help to avoid swelling. Also, drinking raw carrot juice can be helpful for lowering the symptoms of stresses and normalizing the function of your digestive system.
Carrot Juice
Many specialists underline that mixing carrot juice with other fruit or vegetable juices can substantially boost therapeutic effects of these natural remedies. For example, adding some spinach juice to a glass of your carrot juice can help you to refresh your mind, calm down and improve your sleep. Also, this mixture has very good cleansing properties and can relieve the symptoms of constipation. It is recommended to mix carrot juice with beetroot juice or with the juice received from various berries: such drink will be a great tonic, which can also provide you with your daily doze of Vitamin C.
Drinking carrot juice is extremely beneficial for pregnant women and young children. Vitamins A and E are very important for normal development of the fetus. Since carrot juice has good amounts of natural sugar, the majority of children like drinking it. For your little one, you can mix carrot juice with some orange juce or a little of lime juice, and your child will receive a healthy doze of all useful microelements and nutrients, as well as have a better appetite and lower risks of having a cold or a flu.  Always remember that two glasses of fresh carrot juice a day can substantially improve the overall health of you and all the members of your family.

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